
APHPN Infolettre - Numéro 8 - juillet 2021

juillet 2021 - par le personnel de l'APHPN

Kwey kwey everyone. I hope you are all enjoying your summer so far. This past year has been a busy one for FNHPA as we have been diligently working to develop tools and services for First Nation communities across the country. COVID-19 has forced some changes for the Association, for example... continué

APHPN Infolettre - Numéro 7 - juin 2021

juin 2021 - par le personnel de l'APHPN

On June 10, 2021, the First Nations Housing Professionals Association (FNHPA) will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM). Due to continued restrictions caused by the pandemic, the AGM will be conducted electronically via web conference. The meeting will commence at 3:15pm EDT... continué

APHPN Infolettre - Numéro 6 - mai 2021

mai 2021 - par le personnel de l'APHPN

FNHPA is making progressive strides on the hard work started by many organizations across Canada to fill the capacity development gap of housing departments in First Nation Communities. Join us to hear the Honourable Murray Sinclair speak about the importance of educated and trained individuals... continué

APHPN Infolettre - Numéro 5 - avril 2021

avril 2021 - par le personnel de l'APHPN

FNHPA will be hosting a virtual event to recognize SAIT, VIU,CEGEP Garneau, and FNHP graduates, as well as current FNHP students! The event will be followed by the FNHPA AGM. Stay tuned for the full event agenda... continué

APHPN Infolettre - Numéro 4 - mars 2021

mars 2021 - par le personnel de l'APHPN

Looking to obtain your First Nations Housing Professional (FNHP) designation? The Fall semester will be open for registration in April! One path is to qualify through Prior Learning Assessment + Recognition (PLAR), the other path is to take the courses and national examination... continué

APHPN Infolettre - Numéro 3 - février 2021

février 2021 - par le personnel de l'APHPN

Housing has always been Candace’s passion. It’s why, after working for over twenty years at the grass roots, federal and provincial levels, as well as in private industry, she jumped at the chance to get certified as a First Nations Housing Professional. As she noted at the time, “I was excited by the opportunity to get... continué

APHPN Infolettre - Numéro 2 - janvier 2021

janvier 2021 - par le personnel de l'APHPN

Candace Bennett, FNHP is a humble First Nation woman who resides in her community of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation (ON).  As a result, she contemplated applying for the First Nations Housing Professional (FNHP) designation for a while by way of the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) option... continué

APHPN Infolettre - Numéro 1 - decembre 2020

decembre 2020 - par le personnel de l'APHPN

Roxanne Harper is a Housing Consultant with over 34 years of successful experience in Indigenous housing with the majority focused on First Nations. She is recognized consistently for performance excellence and contributions to success in the housing industry through her work as a partner in Turtle Island Associates Training and Management... continué


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