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First Nations Housing Professionals Association
473 Kokomis Inamo
Unit #1
Pikwakanagan, ON K0J 1X0

Staff Directory

  • Candace%2bHead%2bshot%2b2.jpg



    (613) 299-3810

    Candace is a resident status member of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, located about 1.5 hours west of Ottawa, where she has lived for the past 40 plus years. Candace is a specialist in the field of First Nation housing management and policy development. She has extensive experience in the analysis of on-reserve policy development and implementation and has 24 years of experience working within the First Nation Housing Industry. Her long-time career has exposed her to the many facets of delivering First Nations Housing and the many gaps present for Housing Managers. Her breadth of exposure spans across First Nation grass roots, provincial, national, political, and private industry.


    Candace earned her designation as a First Nation Housing Professional (FNHP) with FNHPA in December 2020, she achieved her Certified Indigenous Leader (CIL) designation in January 2023 and her Certified Aboriginal Professional Administrator (CAPA) designation in February 2024 both through the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association.  She is committed to expanding her education and learning in the area of First Nation administration and assisting in making a positive imprint in First Nation communities across Canada

  • Brooke%2bapproved%2b(1).jpg

    Housing and Wellness Program Manager

    Brooke Duggan, FNHP

    Phone: 416-346-4321


    Brooke is a member of the Acadiens-Métis Souriquois (AAMS) of Nova Scotia. She graduated from St. Francis Xavier University in 2021 with a degree in Health Sciences. Through her studies of the social determinants of health, she discovered her passion for promoting healthy and safe housing. In her role as the Housing and Wellness Program Coordinator, she will help create and deliver tools and resources to support healthy housing in First Nation communities.

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    Corporate Manager

    Farren Saulis Rogers, FNHP

    Phone: 343-550-0212


    Farren is Anishinaabe from Nipissing First Nation and Wolastoqiyik from Tobique First Nation (Neqotkuk). She has worked for various national Indigenous organizations over the past decade and is committed to bettering the lives of Indigenous peoples in Canada. As the Corporate Manager, she will support the FNHPA staff and Board to ensure business activities are organized and efficiently and effectively executed, to advance the goals of First Nations housing departments and support existing and future housing professionals.

  • Kateri%2bapproved%2b(1).jpeg

    Marketing & Communications Coordinator

    Kateri Amikons, FNHP

    Phone: 343-540-9746


    Kateri is a member of Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, and a graduate from Algonquin College’s Office Administration - Executive Program and is currently enrolled at Conestoga college in Social Media Marketing.  She has been utilizing her skill set over the last 9 years in roles of increasing responsibility for organizations like the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation and Whitewater Welding, as well with Ontario Power Generation.

  • sharon%2bappoved%2b(1).jpeg

    Membership Administrator

    Sharon Perreault 

    Phone: 343-598-0985


    Sharon is a member of Sheshegwaning First Nation, ON. With a background in office administration, she brings a variety of skills and knowledge to aid in the needs of our members and staff. As the Membership and Administrative Clerk, she is committed to providing meaningful opportunities for our members in a responsive and attentive manner.


  • Kelsey Gagnon

    Education Administrator

    Kelsey Gagnon

    Phone: 343-596-9753


    Book a Meeting

    Kelsey is a member of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation. She graduated from Algonquin College’s Computer System Technician Program and brought with her educational, customer service, team management and administrative experience.  She joined FNHPA as the Education Administrator and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to support the students, instructors, and members of the Association on their learning path.

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    Education Manager

    Allystarr Johnson

    Phone: 782-503-0695


    Allystarr is Mi’kmaw and a member of Eskasoni, First Nation, NS. She has experience working with First Nation’s Data on a regional and national level. Her educational background being Community Studies and Education.  Ally is the Education Manager, some of her duties include overseeing, developing curriculum for the FNHP Certification program.

  • Carrie%2bZeppa%2bPhoto%2b(1).jpg

    Manager, Matrimonial Real Property

    Carrie Zeppa, FNHP

    Phone: 249-535-0145


    Carrie is a member of the Garden River First Nation with 9 years experience working in First Nation Housing specializing in training and managing housing programs and services with a focus on building capacity and developing wealth creation for our First Nations.  Carrie joined the FNHPA in December 2023 as the Manager, Matrimonial Real Property and is responsible for leading the transitional development and implementation of the MRP Program on-reserve. With the goal of First Nations communities operating their own independent MRP Programs, the Program Manager provides guidance and oversight to Regional MRP contractors who will assist with MRP education and awareness for Housing Program staff in First Nations communities. 

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    Matrimonial Real Property Coordinator

    Darlene Chevrier, FNHP 

    Phone: 819-629-4845


    Darlene Chevrier is a proud Anishnabek from the Timiskaming First Nation an Algonquin community in Northern Quebec. She is the mother of 4 adult children and 8 wonderful grandchildren.

    Darlene has been involved in the housing sector as the community’s Director of Housing since December 2010 after graduating from the University of Quebec with a certificate in administration. Prior to that she was the Secretary/Dispatcher for the Public Security Department.

    In 2017 she received an Attestation in “Techniques en Gestion de l’Habitation pour les Premières Nation” from Cégep Garneau. She is interest in obtaining PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) certification as a First Nations Housing Professional (FNHP).

    She is an active member of the First Nations Housing Community of Practice (CoPH), its mission is to enable its members to work together to improve the well-being of communities, through collective capacity building, mutual aid and sharing of good practices.

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    Regional Relations Coordinator- Northern Manitoba


    Candace is a proud mother of three and a proud grandmother of five.  Fisher River Cree Nation is her home community which is located two hours North of Winnipeg, Manitoba. She have lived there most of her life with leaving to attend College in Brandon for a few years. The past twelve years she has worked in the housing department as an assistant then becoming the Housing Manager. Candace obtained her First Nations Housing Management Certificate in 2021 that was offered by SAIT, then decided to go for her designation through the PLAR path and becoming a First Nation Housing Professional on January 15, 2024.  Candace said making the decision to apply for and work with an association that strives to help our People in the area of housing is the best decision I’ve made. Being able to be a part of an amazing team that does this is what excites me about this opportunity. I look forward to working with First Nations Housing Professional Association and assisting our communities.  


  • Jeremy%2bPicture%2b(3).png

    Regional Relations Coordinator- Southern Manitoba


    Jeremy Parsons is a member of Hollow Water First Nation, but was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He has been working in First Nations Housing for over a year now and has learned so much during this time. He is currently working towards achieving the Building Code Inspectors certification from Red River Polytechnic as well as the FNHP designation through the Manitoba Intensive Program offered by the First Nations Housing Professionals Association.

    In 2018 Jeremy graduated from the Business Administration program offered by Red River College here in Winnipeg where he learned and studied the different aspects of business such as, marketing, business ethics & law, human resources, project management, and accounting.

    After graduation, he worked different jobs over the years and in 2023 and started his career in the Advisory Department at Southeast Resource Development Council Corporation. That is when he was introduced to the First Nations Housing world. After visiting communities and working with community members and staff, he quickly gained interest and knew he wanted to pursue a career in Housing.

    Jeremy's goal is to inform, educate, and help wherever he can to improve housing for First Nations communities.


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    Housing and Wellness Coordinator

    Sally Duff is from Pictou landing First Nation located in Nova Scotia. She has been in the housing field since 2011. Sally started as the Housing Director in her community. Served as the Director for 10 years.  She obtained my Housing Education with VIU in 2019 and received her Designation June of 2022. Sally then went onto work with the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq in Millbrook N.S as the Housing Project Manager and Community Planning and Development Manager for 2.5 years. She is a mother of three,  A grandmother of four, and has a dog his name is Hunter with a hamster named Gus Gus.


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    Regional Relations Coordinator- Atlantic

    Kateri Stevens is from Eskasoni First Nation. She is our new Regional Coordinator for FNHPA. Kateri is very grateful for the new journey and is very excited to work with you all. Kateri's background is engagement, business, and communications. She has a B.A degree from Cape Breton University, a Business Administration Diploma from NSCC, and is currently in the process of completing her Masters in Business in Community Economic Development. Importantly,  she enjoys working for our people, and is thankful for the opportunity to be involved with people who are passionate about positive and meaningful impacts in first nation communities across turtle island.

  • Dustin%2bG%2bPic.jpg

    Regional Coordinator- Alberta


    Dustin Gorst is a Flying Dust First Nation Band member.  Dustin has worked in construction most of his life and comes from the Flying Dust Housing Corp.  Where he was the supervisor for 3 years and then as Housing Manager for 3 years.  Dustin has lots of experience as a Housing Manager, as he had a 40 person construction crew, rent collections, Tenant relations, his own Home Maintenance courses and a Housing committee to work with.  Dustin earned his FNHPA certification in summer of 2024.

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    Matrimonial Real Property Clerk

    Shauna is a member of the Sheshegwaning First Nations from Manitoulin Island. Shauna comes with 10 years experience with an Office administrative background. She joins the MRP Team bringing with her a passion to advocate and make changes happen to better the lives of our people.

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    Financial Controller

    Lily-Anne (Lily) Mt Pleasant is a Kanienkeha’ka (Mohawk) woman from Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation in Southern Ontario. She studied International Business in London and Paris and graduated with distinction from Grenoble Ecole de Management in 2018. Since returning to her community in 2018, Lily has primarily worked in finance – holding positions at the Royal Bank of Canada and in corporate finance with various First Nations owned private businesses. She began at Six Nations Housing in March 2021 as a Financial Control Officer and was promoted to Senior Manager of Six Nations Housing in June 2022. Lily sat on the FNHPA Board of Directors in the youth board member position from September 2023 to August of 2024, helping to provide a youth perspective on First Nations’ housing and assist in advancing FNHPA youth initiatives – like our Keeper of my Home resource. Lily continues to advocate for youth in housing and hopes to continue providing essential support to FNHP’s and First Nations communities across the country.

  • Alex%2bBio%2bPicture.jpg

    Training and Events Administrator

    Alex is a proud Anishinaabe from Val-d’Or, Quebec, with family ties to both Timiskaming First Nation and Lac Simon First Nation. He graduated from the Aboriginal Studies program at Algonquin College. Since graduating, Alex has worked exclusively with Indigenous peoples and organizations. His professional background includes a mixture of both community based and administrative work, something he believes will aid him greatly in better supporting FNHPA’s wide clientele.

  • Keri-lynn%2bBio%2bPhoto.jpg

    Financial Support Administrator

    Keri-Lynn Walker is from Golden Lake, Ontario, adjacent to the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation. Her career in accounting and continued her knowledge growth to include becoming a licensed electrician, working as an electrical inspector with the Electrical Safety Authority, owning and operating a restaurant, and a Developmental Service Worker supporting children and adults with intellectual disabilities. She is a mother of two boys, has one grandchild, and a lovable black lab. Keri-Lynn's hobbies include hunting, fishing, camping, reading, snowshoeing, cross-stitching, and home renovations. 


  • June%2bBio%2bPhoto.jpg

    Executive Coordinator

    June Smith is a proud Anishnaabe from Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation which is located along the North Shore of Lake Huron. She has over 10 years of experience working with First Nations organizations, focusing on health and wellness, office administration, community development and governance. In her current role as the Executive Coordinator, she is committed to providing dedicated support to the CEO, Board of Directors, and staff. Her role allows her to contribute meaningfully to the success of our people by fostering collaboration, efficiency, and growth within the organization.

    Outside of work she enjoys engaging in our cultural practices, ceremonies and learning our language. Her hearts joy is making her children’s traditional regalia’s, and her favorite place to be is at the beach.

    June is proud to be apart of this work and look forward to continuing to support and uplift our First Nation communities across Turtle Island.

  • Rebecca%2bHeadshot.jpeg

    Regional Relations Clerk

    Rebecca is a Kanienkeha’ka (Mohawk) member of the Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation located in Southern Ontario. She has 14 years of experience working in the Housing setting as a Maintenance Coordinator/Supervisor and Administrative Assistant. 
    She holds the role of the Regional Relations Clerk, and provides assistance to the Regional Coordinators and Manager.
    I’m very excited to be working for an organization that is committed to supporting Housing management staff in all First Nations across Turtle Island.