
The FNHPA will offer Course 100 of the First Nations Housing Professionals Program to interested HIIY interns that meet the entry requirements of the Program.

The FNHP Designation
First Nations Housing Professionals (FNHPs) are experts in housing management for First Nations organizations. This designation prepares individuals to work with new knowledge skills, to set strategic goals, to successfully implement business plans, and to deliver quality housing service programs.

To achieve the FNHP certification individuals need to demonstrate a certain level of experience and education. There are 5 courses leading to the FNHP designation:

FNHP 100 - First Nations Housing History & Construction
FNHP 200 – First Nations Plans & Policy
FNHP 300 - Management of Housing Programs
FNHP 400 - Housing Management Functional Supports
FNHP 500 - Professionalism, Ethics & Critical Skills

Interns will be enrolled in Course 100. The courses are offered in an online format. A readiness virtual call and assignment will be offered to all HIIY interns in August which will greatly assist students with expectations in the courses and provide valuable information on readying for the program. After the readiness assignment is submitted the course will start on September 11th and finish on December 10, 2023.

Sponsor and Intern Expectations

Sponsors should expect interns to spend around 3-7 hours per week completing their course work. Interns and sponsors should have access to a computer, the internet, and email. Sponsors should have access to a printer for course material and intern support.  Sponsors are to inform their staff or intern employer that interns may require information or direction from their departments and the departments are expected to assist the intern. Assignments completed in FNHP HIIY Course 100 and all courses in the FNHP program are practical and will support existing or new housing activities for sponsors and their departments.

Following the completion of all five courses, students will complete a national professional examination. The exam is comprehensive and integrative and is based on the approved competency standards. This exam is offered twice a year. Once all five courses and the exam are successfully completed along with two years of relevant work experience and agreement to abide by the code of ethics and standards of ethical conduct, students will achieve the FNHP designation.